A gleaming treasure preserved in copper and silver.

Let Silvershoe preserve your most treasured memories with our copper and silver plating service. A lasting memory, a treasured gift!

Why not keep a lasting memory of your child's first steps? We can preserve your baby or child's shoe, this individual process preserves every detail and crease of the shoe, giving character and appeal when copper or silver plated.

A copper or silver baby shoe makes an ideal gift for a grandparent or a close relative, or just to keep for yourselves.

We prepare and electro-form onto your item with pure copper and silver, then hand polish and lacquer, to give a gleaming finish, making further polishing unnecessary.

Every item is as individual as your baby, with a substantial thickness of pure metal.

Silver Sandal Suede Leather Copper Leather Bucked Shoes Silver Cork Group Pet Collars

Founded by Gerry & Jacky Searle in 1978 specialising in the silver plating of children’s first shoes.

The products we have been asked to plate have become extremely varied over the years, baby’s dummies, silk gloves, cricket balls, football boots, wellingtons, seed pods, corks, horse shoes, pet collars, leaves, flowers and even false teeth.

In 2013 Gerry retired due to ill health and Paul continued to run Silvershoe, before relocating it from the heart of Dartmoor to a new purpose built facility in Mid Devon.

We take great pride in offering our copper and silver plating process, which preserves every detail of the original item, retaining its character and appeal. Your treasured item will be carefully prepared and used as the base to electro formed on, with pure copper and silver, encapsulating it forever. Before, hand polishing and lacquering to give a gleaming finish making further polishing unnecessary.

Gerry & Jacky